9 Reasons to Get Dental Implants


Hi everyone and thanks for your interest in Dental Implants. The following is a list of 9 great reasons for choosing Dental Implants over traditional tooth replacement methods. If you’re new to this type of procedure, check out this information: Main Site You can also take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions Page

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  1. Dental Implants will last you a lifetime.

    The greatest advantage of modern day implant treatments is that the whole process is permanent and is designed to last you a lifetime. Given you take care of your new teeth well, as you would with your real teeth. Dental Implants have an advantage over crowns and bridges because they incorporate a titanium implant embedded into the bone. With this in place, the bone will never deteriorate and expose the gum line as some crowns and bridges do.

  2. They act and feel like you natural tooth root.

    As mentioned above, dental implants are embedded into the bone and therefore take on the qualities of a natural tooth root. It’s as if the old tooth root has been replaced by a titanium one. This is particularly important because without a tooth root, bone resorption becomes a problem. Without the proper bone stimulation, the jaw line recedes and decays and you start to lose your facial structure and other teeth in your mouth begin to shift into unnatural positions making hard to chew.

  3. You will maintain natural bone.

    I briefly touched on this in the above point. When a tooth and tooth root are missing, there is no stimulation transferred to the jaw bone in that particular area. Without that bone stimulation, your jaw bone shrinks and deteriorates in that area. Whether it’s in just one area or your whole mouth, you start to see changes in the structure of your jaw. However, with a titanium implant, it replaces the old tooth root and consequently provides the proper bone stimulation and ultimately prevents the decay of the jaw bone. Getting dental implants will ensure the overall health of your mouth.

  4. Thousands of satisfied patients.

    Implant Dentistry is not a foreign concept. Literally thousand of people over the last handful of years have made the decision to get dental implants and have with much success. It’s not a new procedure but a seasoned, efficient, and comfortable process.

  5. Rediscover the power of your smile.

    Notice the powerful effect that smiling has. Smiles make you approachable and inviting. Smiling encourages others to smile too. Smiling has a unique effect in that it helps you make the most of your own life and has power to turn anger into peace. There are so many things that you can do with an amazing and flawless smile. We strive to make your smile the best that it can be and so we only do the best that we can at the Vandor Denture Centre. Find out what your smile could look like again…

  6. Eat the food you love.

    This is huge. Personally, I’m someone who loves food and I’m sure there are also a lot of people that would agree with me. There’s nothing better than partaking in your favorite meals with the people you love. The problem is that when you’re missing one or more teeth, it can ruin the experience and sometimes making impossible to eat the food that you love. For some, you’re worried that your prosthetic teeth might fall out. For others, you might find it painful to chew. If you are one of these people then Dental Implants are a great solution. Like it was mentioned before, dental implants are just like your natural tooth. You can hardly tell the difference. There are a number of other solutions available besides dental implants and you can check them out here: Your Dental Implant Options

  7. Never hide your mouth again.

    Have you ever found yourself trying to stay away from smiling or maybe you try to keep your mouth closed as much as possible? This is a problem for many as they have poor teeth condition or are missing teeth. We understand that you want the freedom of beautiful teeth again and we can provide the right solution. If you choose to get dental implants, we can ensure that you will have the freedom to smile and talk freely again. You’ll no longer need to be conscious about your smile or when talking.

  8. Dental Implants never decay.

    Dental Implants have a great advantage over regular teeth. That is, they don’t decay and degrade like natural teeth do. They are prosthetic and actually have an advantage to real teeth. So if you’ve had a bad history of poor oral health, this can be a great solution and will really give a timeless smile for the years to come.

  9. Confidence is valuable.

    In my opinion, confidence is something that is vital to your everyday life. If there’s one thing that a great smile can provide, it would be confidence. There’s something so encouraging about having a smile that looks like a million dollars. You can get your confidence back.


About Brock Vandor

This article was written By Brock Vandor. He's the owner of the Vandor Denture Centre and is a local 'smile expert'. You can learn more about Brock on Google+.

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