Customer Testimonials

Bob Garret’s Testimony


Bob Garret's Testimonial

Well my name is Bob Garret I’ve had dentures for about 41… 42 years so I really don’t remember not having dentures.

I worked in the public an awful lot and been embarrassed an awful lot with my teeth floating around on the bottom, especially the bottom.  And figured it was time to get something more permanent. And that’s when I decided to get denture implants.

I’d been watching your ads for a couple years about a year and ½ and then did a little research online. Inquired about the cost of it and that made me hesitated for awhile. Then talked to my sister in law and she had tried to have it done and she convinced me that it was the thing to do if I could afford it.

So the time came when I wanted to get new dentures so then I went to see you at Vandor Denture and we talked about dentures and getting implants, I still hadn’t made up my mind whether I could afford – I knew I could afford it but I didn’t know if I wanted to spend that money on implants.

Over the course of about 3 days I decided that I was going to go for it because I remembered all the problems my mother had when she got into her 80s and having to eat puréed foods and stuff like that I didn’t want to have to go through that. That’s when I decided to go ahead with implants.

I had been to a number of different places before I had come to you. When I walked through the door of your clinic it was like I was coming into my own home. The girls behind the counter  were just so friendly in fact when I sat down in the waiting room one of the girls came and sat down beside me, we talked of things that were going on in my life, the weather and just made me feel so relaxed that it in itself was a very wonderful experience.

And then when I when I first met you (Brock) I had no idea how old you were  and wondered how much experience you had but you made me feel very comfortable and came across as very knowledgeable within the first few minutes and I was very much relaxed and my confidence in you (Brock) was right there. That’s why I decided to go with you to start with and when we talked about implants my mind was pretty much made up at that time.

Ed and Connie’s Testimony

Ed & Connie's Testimonial


Ed – My first impression was that you were very young it was your dad that had fixed my teeth before, and I thought -boy I hope he knows what he’s doing. – and you sure did. We are so happy we came, because I’ve never had teeth like this – my bottom teeth are solid my teeth I had before they were always floating on the bottom and now they are so comfortable.

Connie – I remember how friendly everyone was when we came we were made very welcome and it gave you a feeling of confidence. We were a little leery about getting new teeth but we are very well satisfied. Came in had my impressions taken the first day and second day I came in my teeth were put in and they fitted perfectly.

Ed- I am so happy it’s the best teeth I’ve had, I’ve had 4 sets this is my 5th set of teeth, and they are just beautiful I’ve never had teeth so good. Your dad was also amazing credit to him too.

Connie – We were both due to have new teeth, we had gotten them together before, it was time for new teeth.  And it was  a friend of ours had said she had got teeth from your dad, and then she came back to get new teeth  and now you were there, and took her new teeth home, I was amazed her teeth fit so well.

A lot of people have said ‘oh, I like your teeth.’ They had noticed that it had filled out our faces a little more, and they look very natural. As far as I am concerned my teeth are no problem at all. I love them, they fit good they are solid, I can eat everything I can even eat corn on the cob now. Connie chuckled with a smile.

(There is one thing I wanted to say, I very much appreciated your prayers, the results were good, thank you.)

Connie the staff is excellent they are very friendly, I felt very comfortable and at home. It didn’t seem like they were just there as a business, but more like a family. And they were interested in your children and grandchildren.  I have to tell you, It was well worth it too, Ed counts his pennies and the price was right.

“I am Connie Buss and I am so grateful we found out about Vandor Denture Centre and we are very happy, very happy with the teeth.”

Ed “I am the same,”- “Oh say your name“ Connie reminded him,  Oh, I am Ed Buss and you know I am an old guy and to get teeth that fit like this are wonderful And we are very happy with the service we had.”

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